▲ Still Life with Pipe(파이프 있는 정물), 41×31.8㎝, Oil on Canvas, 1975

Before impressionism was emerged, it was an essential norm for most artists to follow the method of expression based on realism represents objects as real as they were. They were hardly recognized as artists unless they the ability of realistic description.

Through the ages, however, those realists who devoted themselves only to express their painting with realistic expression were criticised as outdated. Nevertheless, it is prior to represent objects accurately for being an independent artist.

The ability of realistic description should be required for the completion of art paintings even though the artists would like to draw abstract works. It has considerably difference to create them whether it is based on comprehension of the objects with realistic expression or not.

▲ 여고 교사시절 미술부 제자들과 함께

Does contemporary art highly require non-objective and unrealistic value? No, it does not. Some of contemporary art works are demanded to use hyperrealism expression. Furthermore, contemporary realism paintings are needed aesthetic sensibility leads to have an insight into the current days, not same as the past.

Expression of realistic paintings contains a lot of potential within itself as other contemporary arts. It is able to identify art works of artist Koo, Cha Soong(具滋勝,서양화가 구자승,구자승 작가,구자승 화백,KOO CHA SOONG)with the similar consequence.

△Shin Hang-Sub/Art Critic