adaptation Song produces a variety of paper things through variations of paper such as its folding and unfolding as well as its tearing and cutting on a frim basis forged with ㅛ-shaped pieces of paper in succession.

He also puts objects on paper, intending to bring about harmony. His artworks are completed through an accumulation of repetitive works. His work is particularly marked by repetition, continuity, and certain flows and is likely to expand endlessly.

All artists have their own will in producing their artworks. This will is represented through elements such as production, arrangement, assembly, and composition. The production of artworks comes from an artist’s will, experiences, and memories while its form is molded by hand. The repetitive forms in Song’s work can be thought of as a manifestation of his will and memory.


This also can be said to be a representation of desire different from any sensuous stimuli. In his work, no specific factor appears exclusive: each factor is precious in that his work is completed through a continuation of factors. In this sense, his work remains consistent.

Thus his work feels natural and comfortable. However, his work likely radiates anotherenergy. Factors of great diversity that generate differences are overwhelming just as water drops are brought together to form a great wave.

His(서양화가 송광익,송광익 작가,송광익 화백,한지작가 송광익,한지추상화가 송광익,宋光翼,지물(紙物),SONG KWANG IK,ARTIST SONG KWANG IK,ソン・グァンイック) work brims over with peaceful energy in spite of our time when numerous things are all too provocative. His work is also imbued with some raging energy. His work is an arrow flying slowly: it slowly permeates and sinks deep into the heart.

△By Ha Yun-ju(Art Critic)/하윤주, 미술평론가