In general, there is visual scene that we can see, otherwise there is inner scene in mind that we can not see. The painting of Park Hee Sook belongs to the latter. For that example, she avoid concrete description of landscape. This suggests that artist is not attached to the impression or reality, and that is the general form of artists. This form is found in the whole works of Park Hee Sook.




For example, the work that reminds the image of rainy day and snowy day, the shape of incandescent pink flower, or an ice ridge well trimmed. That resembles the image of calm nature, and makes remind of a moment of violent wind of winter. But that does not ignore the substance like a absolute music.




In "Summer Tree" or "Spring" or "Sea of lovers", she shows the sense of four season. And that sense is confirmed by actual several characters. She does not paint the object of nature as it was, but spread and disseminate all over the screen.




And she concentrates her attention on a specified theme keeping four season in mind fundamentally. The theme, for instance, is motive from nature just like water, snow, light and flower. She wants to see through colors of object being seen. the picture to be spread with pink flowers all over the screen as a spring melody, snowy purple mountain reminds of wintertime, the sky blue reminds of blue sky of summer, yellow golden bell make dazzled the afternoon of springtime.




These are her representative works in harmony of her eye and subject and theme. This palpitating pictures is fantastic as if she see nature through colored filter in various colors. Nevertheless, she displays a property of color dot and unity and expresses free form in all directions.




Light blue works gives us a boundless sense of space and sense os freedom, pink color shows the power of a assembly of gigantic flowers. All these idea of Park Hee Sook are coherent with the opinion of Cézanne, that is " We should not obey nature too scrupulously, too sincerely". For that reason, in her picture controlled colors and hot and clear sentiment exist together.




This is her discriminate charm to others on the point that she recognizes a landscape for colors than sentiment her own. The beautiful thing is not her color but her landscape. Although the landscape has an antinomic color, but has perfection in expression of her own color.

△글=Kim Jong Keun(art critic)/김종근(미술평론가)


◇서양화가 박희숙(다나박)

박희숙(ARTIST PARK HUI SOOK)작가는 홍익대학교 미술대학 및 동대학원을 졸업했다. 개인전을 12회 가졌고 다나 박(DANA PARK)이라는 화명(畵名)으로 활동하며 ‘산(山) 작가’, ‘산을 그리는 화가’로 알려져 있다.

