▲ 성하 2017, 캔버스에 유화, 91×65.2㎝ Snow(2017, Oil on canvas, 91×65.2㎝)

His(ARTIST KOO CHA SOONG,具滋勝,서양화가 구자승,구자승 작가,구자승 화백,KOO CHA SOONG)nude paintings with the back posture certainly guarantee an opportunity to admire the striking curve created from the woman's body, because body hair nearly disturbs the viewer.

Therefore, it becomes quite natural to appreciate them with an aesthetic attitude. Oriental sentiment also emerges from the model's contour. For a start, the pose of the model in the painting is particularly graceful with a neat posture and serene look.

▲ 망중한 2017, 캔버스에 유화, 130.3×97㎝(Time off from busy life 2017, Oil on canvas, 130.3×97㎝)

It produces pure atmosphere; yet she has a facial expression with certain majesty that the viewer might feel uncomfortable. Nevertheless, she sometimes does not look extraordinary because of instructive impression.

In a word, her pose reflects the modest attitude educated from the strict Confucial family. Her face, stiff and barely shown the smile, is normal for the women in oriental customs. It expresses the delicate feeling, because she influences the surrounding with her calmness concealing her emotion.

△Shin Hang-Sub/Art Critic