▲ 정물 2006, 캔버스에 유화, 72×72㎝(The still life 2006, Oil on canvas, 72×72㎝)

They are shaped the flow of time in his way with a certain intention rather than reflecting or illustrating directly. In daily life, most objects can be distorted and experienced by the people through time runs quickly.

▲ 정물 2006, 캔버스에 유화, 72.7×60.6㎝ (The still life 2006, Oil on canvas, 72.7×60.6㎝)

It might exist to suggest vision for the higher dimension, however, this sort of distortion is wrecking the essence of life. Koo’s paintings are thus created to pause a momentary scene of the life, entrusted to the time flying swiftly.


It is a similar behavior to a tailor who used to cut cloth with a scissor; same as his(ARTIST KOO CHA SOONG,具滋勝,서양화가 구자승,구자승 작가,구자승 화백,KOO CHA SOONG)action that slices the time into pieces and make it stop. In this regard, they should be clearly discriminated from a common painting, based on realism.

△Park Yong-Sook|Art Critic

▲ 테이블 위에 정물 2007, 캔버스에 유화, 91×91㎝(The Still life on the table 2007, Oil on Canvas, 91×91㎝)