▲ East Side Story-S3, 116.8×91.0㎝, 2005

Several months ago I was invited by Kim(서양화가 김명식,김명식 작가,김명식 교수) to see his paintings in his studio in New Jersey. I was surprised to see that Kim’s work truly defines him as a “Painters Painter” and I was introduced to a large room filled with skilled story telling.

▲ East Side Story-S5, 40×30in Oil on canvas, 2005

Kim’s(Andy Kim,ARTIST KIM MYUNG SIK,金明植,김명식 화백) work is simple yet sophisticated. In a world in which time seems to zip past at the speed of lightening, and electronic data transmissions, Kim’s work embody an invitation to slow down and enjoy the work.

▲ East Side Story-S5, 116.8×91.0㎝, 2006

The paintings are a symmetry of colors, which speak about time, patience and skill. These works speak about memory, movement, pleasures of materiality, solidity and a keen relationship to the hands of the painter who has brought disciplined attention to their construction. This work whispers about the simple pleasures of what was once real and filled with life and memories.

△Rosie Gordon-Wallace(로지 고든 윌라스, Curator/Founder, Diaspora Vibe Gallery)

▲ 뉴욕 롱아일랜드대학 연구교수를 마치고 귀국, 미술세계작가상을 수상하게 되어 미술세계 기자와 작업실에서 인터뷰 하는 장면.