▲ East Side Story05-A, 230×15In Oil on canvas, 2005

Florida is large and culturally diverse, Miami is said to be the gate way to the Americas and the Caribbean. Kim could be positioned as the gateway story teller reminding us that simple is not always bad.

His(서양화가 김명식, 김명식 작가, 김명식 교수) work encourages conversations about a sense of place, art of memory representing art and condition of the present.

▲ East Side Story 2006-A2, 227.3×181.8㎝, 2006

Please enjoy this talented artist who chose us to expose his housescapes in this our fair city undergoing much change. I feel the exhibition has the vitality that will inspire each of us to look deep within our soul and commit to execute work that has meaning and integrity. △Rosie Gordon- Wallace/Diaspora Vibe Gallery, 2005

▲ East Side Story-S1, 90.9×72.7㎝, 2006


Kim Myung-Sik(キムミョンシク,Andy Kim,KIM MYUNG SIK,金明植,김명식 화백)has an incredibly strong presence in Asia. His subject matter ranges from abstracted still lifes to abstract landscapes painted on both canvas and paper in jewel-like soft and primary colors.

▲ East Side Story-F12, 162.2×130.3㎝, 2006

To his credit, he has had 40 one-person exhibitions internationally, has participated in more than 500 group exhibitions and has received many awards for his work. △Shirley I. Reece(Reece Galleries New York, 2005) 

▲ 뉴욕 작업실에서 포즈를 취한 김명식 화백. "겨울뉴욕은 추위가 대단했지만 100년도 넘은 벽돌건물의 실내는 훈훈했었다. 그 건물에 다국적 작가들이 40~50명 입주하고 있어서 정보를 교환하는 즐거움도 있었는데 특히 작업실 난방이 잘 돼서 1년 동안 큰 고생 없이 작업을 잘할 수 있었다."